Error 692 There was a hardware failure in the modem [or other connecting device].

Fix VPN Error 691 on Windows 10 Verify the logon ID and password are correct. This might sound like a basic fix but works in most of … List of Error Codes for Dial-up Connections or VPN Connections Mar 29, 2017

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How to Fix VPN Error 691 on Windows - YouTube

For example, some T-Mobile users have reported that the default "T-Mobile Internet" profile will give them "734 error", but selecting "T-Mobile VPN" works. This is because GPRS automatically utilizes a "fallback" profile whenever needed, with PdaNet you have to manually set it if the default one does not work.

I had this problem so I'll go ahead and tell you what it was for me. My password (given to us by our host had a $ in it). I was copy-pasting the password from an rdp shell script that had escaped the $ with a \.I was mentally forgetting the reason for \ and thinking it was literal. I spent hours working on authentication when in reality, I need only remove the back-slash escaping of the dollar Knowledge Base | Zyxel Win7 keeps showing error 692 when trying to establish L2TP VPN to USG after several connecting/disconnecting cycles. Windows L2TP users cannot connect, Windows shows error 809 On the Windows machine, open the registry and add/edit the following property: Login to the Windows machine as Admin. Go to 'Start > Run' and type regedit. VPN Error 691 - Windows 10 - Spiceworks