In California, the police can arrest you for committing a crime with or without a warrant. 1 If you get arrested without a warrant, it’s most likely because you committed a crime in an officer’s presence (a California DUI, for example). 2 If, perhaps after an investigation, an officer suspects that you committed a crime, he can go to a judge and ask that an arrest warrant be issued.

What to Do if You Have a Bench Warrant - Legal Guides - Avvo Jul 21, 2009 If You Failed to Appear in Court, This Is How to Clear A When you do become aware of the warrant, you have the option to show up to court voluntarily or wait to be arrested and possibly jailed until your court date. You may be arrested at home, at your job, or another location, in state or out. More likely, however, a bench warrant catches up with you when you least expect it, during a routine Do I Have a Warrant for Unpaid Traffic Tickets? Can I However, if you do happen to have contact with law enforcement, like if you’re stopped for some other traffic offense, you’re chances of going to jail for the warrant are pretty high. After being arrested, you’ll have to wait in jail until you either post bail or you’re brought into court and the judge “recalls” the warrant. How Do I Know if I Have a Warrant? -

If you know that you have an active warrant for your arrest, or even suspect that you do, in California, the best thing you can do is to contact a criminal defense attorney and work out your surrender. A warrant for your arrest and be issued under several different circumstances.

Consent Searches. What if the person in control of the premises freely and voluntarily agrees to the … Is There a Warrant Out For Your Arrest? Here's What to Do Sometimes an indictment and resulting warrant are "sealed," meaning that they are not made part of the public record until after arrests are made. That often happens in federal cases when the charges are serious. Sealing the indictment is meant to prevent defendants from fleeing after they learn that they have been charged with a crime.

What to Do If You Think There is a Warrant Out For Your Arrest

Jun 25, 2012 Arrest Warrant · NYC311