[2008/03/29 17:28:06, 0] nmbd/nmbd_browsesync.c:domain_master_node_status_fail(248) domain_master_node_status_fail: Doing a node status request to the domain master browser for workgroup WINDOWS at IP failed. Cannot sync browser lists. I'm not sure where to start debugging this - any nudges in the right direction appreciated. Setting Up Samba Primary Domain Controller On CentOS 7 In our previous tutorial, we have shown you how to setup a Samba Standalone server. This tutorial describes how to setup Samba Primary Domain Controller in CentOS 7. This setup was tested in CentOS 7 minimal server, although the same steps should work on RHEL 7 and Scientific Linux 7 as well. Scenario I … Samba DNS issues resolved, finally! – DOTNET CATCH Jun 04, 2018 Samba/Active Directory domain controller - ArchWiki Domain=[INTERNAL] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 4.1.2] . D 0 Wed Nov 27 23:59:07 2013 .. D 0 Wed Nov 27 23:59:12 2013 50332 blocks of size 2097152. 47185 blocks available Kerberos. Now verify that the KDC is working as expected. Be sure to replace INTERNAL.DOMAIN.COM and use upper case letters: # kinit administrator@INTERNAL.DOMAIN.COM

This server can be a Windows NT server or another Samba server. Domain - this security level is basically the same as server security, with the exception that the Samba server becomes a member of a Windows NT domain. In this case the Samba server can also participate in such things as trust relationships

Samba Network Browsing - MIT

[Samba] domain_master_node_status_fail - Tim Boyer - org [2008/03/29 17:28:06, 0] nmbd/nmbd_browsesync.c:domain_master_node_status_fail(248) domain_master_node_status_fail: Doing a node status request to the domain master browser for workgroup WINDOWS at IP failed. Cannot sync browser lists. I'm not sure where to start debugging this - any nudges in the right direction appreciated. Setting Up Samba Primary Domain Controller On CentOS 7 In our previous tutorial, we have shown you how to setup a Samba Standalone server. This tutorial describes how to setup Samba Primary Domain Controller in CentOS 7. This setup was tested in CentOS 7 minimal server, although the same steps should work on RHEL 7 and Scientific Linux 7 as well. Scenario I …